whatcha reading (Dec 2022)

Another month, another list (with a another optimistic promise to review at least some of them). December always ends up being a month where I re-read a lot, the comfort book version of holiday nostalgia. I don’t note articles for work (and they take up a LOT of time) or specify the Substacks (there are probably…fifteen I read regularly?) So far in terms of “novels for pleasure or interest” I’ve read:

  1. Devil’s Cub (Georgette Heyer) (re-read)

  2. The Invention of Love (Tom Stoppard) (re-read)

  3. Stone Milk (Anne Stevenson)

  4. The Poems of Catallus (trans Daisy Dunn)

  5. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Heinlen) (re-read)

  6. Notes from the Underground (Dostoevsky)

  7. Death in Berlin (MM Kaye)(re-read)

  8. Ender’s Game (Orson Scott Card) (re-read)

  9. And then I randomly decided to re-read Bleak House, so that, and random Substacks and etc, have taken up all the rest of my time!


whatcha reading (January)


whatcha reading (November 2022)